We have detailed a list of services and organisation that we thought that you might find useful to have. Your accommodation provider will be able to help you in the unlikely event of you encountering any problems during your stay. We hasten to add that Pitlochry is relatively crime free and you will be able to wander where you wish with out any problems so long as you respect other people’s right to privacy.
Tourist Information Centre
Tel: 01796 472 215
Brochures: www.visitscotland.com/
Dental Practice
60-62 Atholl Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5BL
Tel: 01796 470001
Atholl Medical Centre
Ferry Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5FG
Tel: 01796 472 558
Pitlochry Chemists
Davidsons, 112 Atholl Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5AB
Tel 01796 472 810
Pitlochry Community Hospital
Whilst there is no A&E at the Community Hospital, there is a Minor Injuries Unit.
Please call - 01796 472 052
Police Non emergency to report an incident or crime
Tel: Communications centre 01738 621141
Emergency Services, Fire, Police and Ambulance
Tel: 999 or 112
Crimestoppers give info anonymously about crime
Tel: 0800 555 111
Tayside Police
Tel: 01382 223200
Wildlife Crime
Tel: 01382 223200 or Tel:01382 596857
Mobile 07808 899 113
Veterinary Practice
Harbit & Ryder
24hr cover
Tel: 01796 472 201
Pitlochry High School Parent Council replaces what used to be the old school board and the PTA. Its primary roles are to support the school and to provide a link and a voice between parents and the school and the wider community. Its objectives include working in partnership with the school, parents and community in providing and promoting a welcoming environment through social, fundraising and educational events.
The council meets monthly throughout the school year and reports back to the Parent Forum and beyond via the school website and Facebook as well as other local media and publications.
Any parent is welcome to attend meetings or join the committee and we welcome any approach for support in individual and community projects whether social or fundraising.
You can contact us at parentcouncil@pitlochryhighschool.com or see our Facebook page: Pitlochry High School Parent Council or by leaving a message for us at the school office in person or on 01796 474666.
Church of Scotland
Website: www.pitlochrychurchofscotland.org.uk
Sermon podcasts: can be accessed on our website or on iTunes -https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/pitlochry-church-of-scotland-sermon-cast/id516504427Sunday Club contact Linda Gaul 01796 472 366
Sunday Service - 10.30am
We invite you to join us, whether you live locally or are just visiting the area. You really will be made very welcome! Our services combine the traditional with the contemporary. Worship begins with a warm welcome, followed by a mix of music, words, ancient and modern. At a set point in the service our children normally leave for their activity groups in the Sunday Club and are always delighted to welcome new friends and visitors. We'd love to get to know you better, so after the service refreshments are served in the Tryst, please do join us.
The Tryst Office
Open Monday to Friday mornings 9am - 12 noon. Our Church Secretary Helaine will be delighted to offer help and information about any of the events that take place in our church. All applications for Hall lets should also be made to Mrs Helaine ross, tel no 01796 472 160, or email: the_tryst@btconnect.com
Pitlochry Baptist Church
Rev David Barrie
Tel: 01796 472719
Email: pastor@pbcweb.net
Website: www.pbcweb.net
Sunday Service - Prayer Time 10.00 am, Main Service 11.00 am, Tea & Coffee 12.30 pm
We’re a growing church made up of people from many walks of life who share a passion for God, a love for one another, and for the community here in the beautiful Highland Perthshire countryside. Feel free to join us as we follow Jesus Christ and worship God, hear from His word, and make Him known in His world through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Supporting the growth of our children and young people is a key part of our Church community.
Why not come and join us in person one Sunday?
Scottish Episcopal Church
Holy Trinity Church, Perth Road, Pitlochry with Kilmaveonaig (St Adamnan's Church), opposite the Tilt, Blair Atholl.
Website: www.highlandperthshirelinkedcharge.org
Revd Liz Baker
Tel: 01796 472005
Secretary to the Vestry
Mike Sharp
Tel: 01796 472 214
Email: mike@pen.plus.com
Service times vary so do check.
St Bride's Roman Catholic Church
Rev. Fr. Dr. Tobias O. Okoro (STD, PHD)
Parish Priest St. Bride's RC Church,
Rie-Achan Road Pitlochry,
PH16 5AL.
Tel: 01796 472174